Photo: Duke Marine Robotics & Remote Sensing Lab
In this study we describe the morphology and mechanics of the fin whale esophagus and present a model for how the narrow structure participates in swallowing large quantities of food in a very short time. Rorquals may be the only animals that capture a volume of food too large to swallow as a single bolus. The pharynx and upper end of the esophagus may generate a pressure head for transporting a slurry of food down the esophagus to the stomach as a continuous stream rather than separating the food into individual boluses swallowed separately.
Lunge feeding rorqual whales feed by engulfing a volume of prey laden water that can be as large as their own body. Multiple feeding lunges occur during a single foraging dive and the time between each lunge can be as short as 30 s (Goldbogen et al. 2013). During this short inter-lunge time, water is filtered out through baleen to concentrate prey in the oral cavity, and then the prey is swallowed prior to initiating the next lunge. Prey density in the ocean varies greatly, and despite the potential of swallowing a massive volume of concentrated prey as a slurry, the esophagus of rorqual whales has been anecdotally described as unexpectedly narrow with a limited capacity to expand. How rorquals swallow large quantities of food down a narrow esophagus during a limited inter-lunge time remains unknown. Here, we show that the small diameter muscular esophagus in the fin whale is optimized to transport a slurry of food to the stomach. A thick wall of striated muscle occurs at the pharyngeal end of the esophagus which, together with the muscular wall of the pharynx, may generate a pressure head for transporting the food down the esophagus to the stomach as a continuous stream rather than separating the food into individual boluses swallowed separately. This simple model is consistent with estimates of prey density and stomach capacity. Rorquals may be the only animals that capture a volume of food too large to swallow as a single intact bolus without oral processing, so the adaptations of the esophagus are imperative for transporting these large volumes of concentrated food to the stomach during a time-limited dive involving multiple lunges.

Fig. 8. Summary of muscles and associated structures in the soft palate of [...] and adult (B) fin whales. Artwork © 2024 Alex Boersma (used with permission).
In this study describe several innovative anatomical features of the fin whale soft palate relative to other mammals. These include changes in the attachment and positions of the major extrinsic muscles of the palate, alterations in the morphology of the pterygoid processes related to the palate and pharynx, and the presence of distinct muscle layers in the part of the palate caudal to an ‘oral plug that closes the oropharyngeal inlet. Based on the anatomy, we present a model for how the soft palate is positioned at rest, and how it functions during feeding, breathing, and swallowing.
The evolution of lunge feeding in rorqual whales was associated with the evolution of several unique morphological features that include non-synovial ligamentous temporomandibular joints, a tongue that can invert and extend backward to the umbilicus, walls of the oral cavity that can dramatically expand, and muscles and nerves that are stretchy. Also, among the acquired features was an enlargement of the rostral end of the soft palate into an oral plug that occludes the opening between the oral cavity and pharynx and prevents water incursion into the pharynx during the engulfment phase of a feeding lunge. During this engulfment phase of a lunge, the volume of water entering the oral cavity can exceed the volume of the whale itself. Here, using dissection of fetuses and adults and a magnetic resonance imaging dataset of a fetus, we examine the detailed anatomy of the soft palate in fin whales. We describe several innovative features relative to other mammals, including changes in the attachment and positions of the major extrinsic muscles of the palate, alterations in the morphology of the pterygoid processes related to the palate and pharynx, and the presence of distinct muscle layers in the part of the palate caudal to the oral plug. Based on the anatomy, we present a model for how the soft palate is positioned at rest, and how it functions during feeding, breathing, and swallowing.