Cover: Hummingbirds exhibit extraordinary agility and maneuverability through precise control of their wing beat patterns. At the same time, their wings undergo complex shape changes over the course of every wing beat cycle that may contribute to their behavioural flexibility. Skandalis et al. (jeb246223) explored these shape changes in Anna's hummingbirds challenged to hover with typical or experimentally constrained wing beat patterns. The detailed changes in wing shape throughout the stroke cycle depended on the experimental constraints, pointing to another dimension of complexity in hummingbird flight control. Photo credit: Anand Varma.
Animals exhibit an abundant diversity of forms, and this diversity is even more evident when considering animals that can change shape on demand. The evolution of flexibility contributes to aspects of performance from propulsive efficiency to environmental navigation. It is, however, challenging to quantify and compare body parts that, by their nature, dynamically vary in shape over many time scales. Commonly, body configurations are tracked by labelled markers and quantified parametrically through conventional measures of size and shape (descriptor approach) or non-parametrically through data-driven analyses that broadly capture spatiotemporal deformation patterns (shape variable approach). We developed a weightless marker tracking technique and combined these analytic approaches to study wing morphological flexibility in hoverfeeding Anna's hummingbirds (Calypte anna). Four shape variables explained >95% of typical stroke cycle wing shape variation and were broadly correlated with specific conventional descriptors such as wing twist and area. Moreover, shape variables decomposed wing deformations into pairs of in-plane and out-of-plane components at integer multiples of the stroke frequency. This property allowed us to identify spatiotemporal deformation profiles characteristic of hoverfeeding with experimentally imposed kinematic constraints, including through shape variables explaining <10% of typical shape variation. Hoverfeeding in front of a visual barrier restricted stroke amplitude and elicited increased stroke frequencies together with in-plane and out-of-plane deformations throughout the stroke cycle. Lifting submaximal loads increased stroke amplitudes at similar stroke frequencies together with prominent in-plane deformations during the upstroke and pronation. Our study highlights how spatially and temporally distinct changes in wing shape can contribute to agile fluidic locomotion.